Author: Petites Soeurs de l'Assomption

A common passion, God and poor people

La danse au Vietnam comme expression de la prière

A dance as an expression of prayer

The Church of Vietnam is still known today as young, vibrant and dynamic, yet it has suffered greatly under six reigns of Vietnamese kings during three hundred years of persecution. We cannot count all our martyrs, who died because of their faith in Jesus Christ. We wondered if the fire of faith had been extinguished…
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Témoignage vocationnel de Hien Petite Soeur de l'Assomption

Sister Hien’s testimony

FIRST LITTLE SISTER OF THE ASSUMPTION FROM VIETNAM The Charism is updated with the fresh air of the new generations and cultures THE CALL I was born in 1980, in a Christian family, in Central Viet Nam, on the coast… My mother died quickly after an illness. My dad was 37 years old, my older…
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Sister Lucia’s testimony

I always knew that God and the poor would have an important place in my life; but as for how, it’s another story … My name is Lucia; I was looking for God and wanting to give my life for the poor when I discovered that as a Little Sister of the Assumption, I could…
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temoignage Petite Soeur de l'Assomption Mariotides

Sister Mariotides’s testimony

The vocation:  a response from God to the excluded A call I entered the Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Assumption in 1992 in order to follow the ideal of Jesus which our founders translated as follows: “To procure the glory of God by the salvation of the poor, the workers and of their…
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Rencontre a Rome des Petites soeurs de l'Assomption sur l'interculturalité

UISG session in Rome “To invest our diversity in interculturality”

Interculturality begins with valuing our differences and the work for going out to encounter on the basis of these. So, the common house becomes the house where each may feel at home, bringing and receiving according to her identity and her culture We, Hildete, Marceline, Nhung and Dominique are giving you some news of our…
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4 Petites Soeurs de l'Assomption Préparation Voeux Perpétuels 2019

Preparation of four Little Sisters for their final vows

January 2019 ! It was Epiphany’s feast 4 Little Sisters :Odile Ratiana (Madagascar), Lucia Uceda (España), Yvette Landa (R.D. Congo) and Nguyen Thi Hoa (Vietnam),they have just begun their preparation for perpetual vows. The four communities present in the Mother House ‘have welcomed them with a beautiful time of prayer” The young people and the…
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Petites soeurs de l'Assomption et postulantes à Ampopoka -Madagascar

Postulants in Madagascar: what we are experiencing!

Life sharing of young people in the 2nd year of Postulant (formation to get ready to become a Little Sister) Hello ! We, the 2nd year LSA Malagasy postulants: Armandine RASOAZANANERA, is from the Diocese of Antsirabe Victorine Vololorniaiana  RASOAZANANIVO, is from the diocese of Ambositra Marie Odette NOMENIANAHARY, is from the diocese of Fianarantsoa…
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Petites Soeurs ayant connu notre Bienheureuse Soeur Paul-Hélène

Testimonies of Little Sisters who have known our Blessed Sister Paul-Hélène

“I do not know where and when my path crossed that of Paul-Hélène: During my Sending to Tunisia, to Algiers during a meeting of congregation? But, I remember his look: the look that scrutinizes the one that ‘he meets ; a full sister in her missionary vocation, active, determined.I just want to emphasize that we…
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