Testimony of Michel, a volonteer at the Mosaiques9 association

Testimony of Michel, a volonteer at the Mosaiques9 association

mosaiques9-association dirigee-par-une-petite-soeur-de-assomption

Mosaïques9 is a local association whose aim is to help parents and their children, as well as isolated adults, to succeed in their integration. Many volunteers are involved with Little Sisters to welcome, listen and provide personalized support to families. Michel testifies

Michel tells us how the meeting with Yacine was a gift to him about the kingdom of God:
“Yacine learns French at the association “Mosaïques9”. This morning in 2017, he is early, as he is every day. He has a beautiful, communicative smile, he shakes everyone’s hand, he greets me too (I am his teacher), and he greets all his colleagues. Yacine’s greeting is warm, attentive, asking if everything is going well since the last time, if everything is going well. It will focus at length on everyone’s concerns, on what is going well and what is not, on what concerns them.
Politeness and friendship lead us to ask him if he is also well. To which he responds just as warmly, that he is fine and that he is happy to be there. Glad to learn, he has never been able to go to school in his native country.
What most do not know, or will happen to know months later, is that Yacine was imprisoned in his country and managed to escape. Today, he just spent another night outside as it gets cold. He calculates all his days to feed himself at the minimum. He knows where the public gardens are located with a bench to work on his French.He knows nothing about his future .He must organize himself day by day to survive.

Discreetly, solidarity was organized for him in Mosaïques. After two years of support, Yacine is now an official asylum seeker. He is doing better and continues to study and progress a lot in French language. The Asylum Seekers Assistance Centre that hosts him assigns him responsibilities with regard to his qualities and now its skills.

He does not miss an opportunity to say how important Mosaics has been in this moment of his life, of extreme precariousness and great uncertainty. But Yacine doesn’t know what we owe him either. »

Michel, volunteer at Mosaïques9

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