
A common passion, God and poor people

4 Petites Soeurs de l'Assomption Préparation Voeux Perpétuels 2019

Preparation of four Little Sisters for their final vows

January 2019 ! It was Epiphany’s feast 4 Little Sisters :Odile Ratiana (Madagascar), Lucia Uceda (España), Yvette Landa (R.D. Congo) and Nguyen Thi Hoa (Vietnam),they have just begun their preparation for perpetual vows. The four communities present in the Mother House ‘have welcomed them with a beautiful time of prayer” The young people and the…
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Petites soeurs de l'Assomption et postulantes à Ampopoka -Madagascar

Postulants in Madagascar: what we are experiencing!

Life sharing of young people in the 2nd year of Postulant (formation to get ready to become a Little Sister) Hello ! We, the 2nd year LSA Malagasy postulants: Armandine RASOAZANANERA, is from the Diocese of Antsirabe Victorine Vololorniaiana  RASOAZANANIVO, is from the diocese of Ambositra Marie Odette NOMENIANAHARY, is from the diocese of Fianarantsoa…
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Petites Soeurs ayant connu notre Bienheureuse Soeur Paul-Hélène

Testimonies of Little Sisters who have known our Blessed Sister Paul-Hélène

“I do not know where and when my path crossed that of Paul-Hélène: During my Sending to Tunisia, to Algiers during a meeting of congregation? But, I remember his look: the look that scrutinizes the one that ‘he meets ; a full sister in her missionary vocation, active, determined.I just want to emphasize that we…
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