Category: News

A common passion, God and poor people

Story of a vocation for the Little Sisters in DR of the Congo

« “You have seduced me O Lord, and I have let myself be seduced; you have overcome me, you are the stronger” Jer. 20:7. I am of a Christian catholic family of 9 children, 6 girls and 3 boys, and I am the third child of the family.The story of my vocation is a long…
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News from the Assembly of the Congregation

After learning how to find ourselves through Zoom, all of us realize in the Assembly of the Congregation, that this extraordinary tool allows us to move forward together. We have to accept the frustration of not being able to react spontaneously, and communicating only by word of mouth, it is impossible to connect with each…
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International Commission for Sharing the Charism with the Laity

Our family united in all times We are living a very particular moment in the world. A pandemic reminds us of the fragility of human beings, the uncertainty of tomorrow, the loneliness of social isolation and of not being able to see the people we love. These are not easy times, but right now we…
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Discovering LAUDATO SI in a Nursing Home of the Little Sisters of the Assumption.

Five years after signing his Encyclical on the Safeguarding of Creation, last May, Pope Francis launched a special Laudato si’ year, hoping that this text could serve as a guide for building the “world after” the Covid-19 pandemic. (after La Croix) At the beginning of August, Geneviève Hubert proposed that every Friday at 5:30 p.m.…
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Daily Life is a place of faith, of conversion, of witness and proclamation.

In Jesus Christ, Life and mission are one. This mission commits us to work for justice, peace, solidarity and the integrity of creation. In this perspective in Burkina, we work with women in order to create a space of welcome where each one feels confident and respected in relation to her rights and her dignity,…
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Delightful News! A Saviour Child Is born to us!

Deligthful news,A Saviour Child Is born to usIt is in a stable. That he is given to us

Christmas 2020-All brothers and sisters

Especially in this year 2020a challenge for all countries,let us remember with Pope Francis “Yet it is also true that an individual and a people are only fruitful and productive if they are able to develop a creative openness to others.”(FT 41) Then Peace and Joy can be “born”between all of us. These are our…
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“Rejoice, you who enjoy God’s favour!” Lk 1:28

How does Mary welcome the invitation of the angel? At the heart of an unconditional availability, she moves from one attitude to another…. From fear to daring…From doubt to faith…From surprise to acceptance…From amazement to questioning…From fear to confidence …From interiority to exteriority…From silence to dialogue…From bewilderment to obedience… Mary listens, reflects, progresses in the…
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Here is a little song for this 3rd week of Advent: The ballad of happy people

Sr.Annette Allain, Little Sister of the Assumption in USA, give to us this happy song as a gift : The Ballad of Happy People Our old Earth is a star and you, too, also shine a littleI come to sing you the ballad The ballad of happy peopleI come to sing you the ballad The…
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“He came as a witness to testify to the light” Jn 1:7

The third Sunday of Advent is called “Sunday of Joy” and reminds us that even in the midst of many doubts and difficulties, joy exists because God exists.  This joy is a choice by opening our hearts, trusting in light of His love when we encounter Him. John the Baptist reminds us to prepare as…
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