Easter 2021-Going forward in hope with our suffering world

Easter 2021-Going forward in hope with our suffering world

“He is risen… He goes before you into Galilee… “

Go, walk, pilgrims on the road with the risen Jesus.

On this Easter Day 2021 we choose to go forward in hope with our suffering world.

Following the example of Pope Francis who speaks to us of hope against all hope as experienced by Abraham who was called to look at all the stars in the sky and to walk on the earth: Go, walk with faith!

Walking on our land we choose a way of life in solidarity, de-centered from ourselves to live a fraternity of proximity especially in these times of confinement in many places. A life of solidarity from which joy and the “good life” can be born, because we will be attentive to what needs to be recreated, to be healed, to be resurrected.

And at the same time turned towards Heaven because we receive everything from God. These two movements are like a sign of the cross from which life emerges.

The “Letter/Message” of the Assembly of the Congregation gives us the opportunity to take concrete steps on this path. It already leads us to the General Chapter where we will be given the opportunity to strengthen our lives as believers in the footsteps of Jesus the Servant for the life of all, Life in Abundance!

Happy Easter

The General Team of the Little Sisters of the Assumption

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