
A common passion, God and poor people

Here is a little song for this 3rd week of Advent: The ballad of happy people

Sr.Annette Allain, Little Sister of the Assumption in USA, give to us this happy song as a gift : The Ballad of Happy People Our old Earth is a star and you, too, also shine a littleI come to sing you the ballad The ballad of happy peopleI come to sing you the ballad The…
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“He came as a witness to testify to the light” Jn 1:7

The third Sunday of Advent is called “Sunday of Joy” and reminds us that even in the midst of many doubts and difficulties, joy exists because God exists.  This joy is a choice by opening our hearts, trusting in light of His love when we encounter Him. John the Baptist reminds us to prepare as…
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“See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you,who will prepare your way” Mk 1:1-8

2nd Sunday in Advent “Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Son of God. » This first word, “beginning” refers us to the first word of the Bible in the book of Genesis. If it is a beginning, it is because there is a continuation, the Good News of Jesus, the one who was anointed…
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Called to be Light and Hope for all Humanity-Marc 13:33-37

The Gospel of Mark invites us to “stay awake” in order not to fall asleep.  The Lord wants to see us all awake, active, collaboration with lucidity and responsibility to His plan for God’s Kingdom. Advent is a time of hope which implies a commitment with humankind and nature, a fight for justice, a constant…
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Advent, a time for kindling lights of hope

Four weeksFour proclamations of the GospelFour communities bringing us their light 1st Sunday            “And what I say to you I say to all: Keep awake” Mk 13:37             Cartagena Community – Spain 2nd Sunday       “See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you,who will prepare your way” Mk 1:2             Stephan Pernet…
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“Families are the first place where the values of love and fraternity, togetherness and sharing, concern and care for others are lived out and handed on.” The Little Sisters of the Assumption from its founding moment are bonded with the poor throughout our global world.   This commitment is inscribed in our original constitutions in the…
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VIVAT International will celebrate 20 years of service to the most vulnerable.

On November 18, VIVAT International will celebrate 20 years of service to the most vulnerable. The 12 member congregations of VIVAT International, in accordance with its charism and mission, are working to promote Integral Human Development in more than 120 countries.They are united in VIVAT to make their presence strong in international forums, such as…
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Vietnam: two days of vocational festival

“All is Grace” “We believe that vocation is an interior attraction felt by the person, coming from her personal relation with Christ, with the Father, thanks to the Spirit.  A free initiative of God, and a free response of the person.  It is the Lord who calls. We have to believe with all our strength…
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One letter, one smile’…. …. leading to an encounter!

One letter, one smile In April, 150 letters arrived from all over France, to be distributed to the residents of our Nursing Homes, at the initiative of a group of young people under the name of ‘1 letter, 1 smile’… I received three letters, and I thanked the three senders.  One of them replied and…
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I am happy to be a Little Sister of the Assumption!

Since you are precious and honored in my sight,and because I love you,” (Isaiah 43/4) My name is Ernestine Nzambisa, I come from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I am 32 years old. I was in primary and secondary school at the Diocesan Sisters of Kikwit (a town in Congo). At the age of…
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