I am happy to be a Little Sister of the Assumption!

I am happy to be a Little Sister of the Assumption!

Since you are precious and honored in my sight,and because I love you,” (Isaiah 43/4)

My name is Ernestine Nzambisa, I come from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I am 32 years old. I was in primary and secondary school at the Diocesan Sisters of Kikwit (a town in Congo).

At the age of 12, I had the desire to become a religious woman. What attracted me in consecrated life was the living testimony given by the Sisters with whom I used to spend time. I really appreciated their simplicity, their loving care for people, especially the most deprived ones.

In my neighbourhood, two Sisters used to pass, by almost every evening, to visit the sick and elderly. They would stay a few minutes with them to talk and cheer them up. Sometimes they would say a short prayer together if the person wished to do so. All these gestures meant a lot to me.

From the age of 12 to 17, I kept secretly this desire in my heart. It is only when I was 18 and had completed my studies, that I left for Kinshasa and there, I dared to tell my auntie that I wished to be a religious sister.

Considering this desire, she helped me get in touch with the Little Sisters of the Assumption she knew. Thus, I had the opportunity to talk to the sister in charge of the aspirants, who explained to me the charism of the Congregation and their special attention to the poor and the little ones. I understood then that it fitted my aspirations. Without hesitation, I started on this adventure. Entering religious life helped me grow up in the following of Christ.

All through my process, I have always felt supported by the love and tenderness of my sisters in community.

Community life is for me a school and a mirror where I discover my qualities and my darker sides, where I learn each day how to love and broaden my heart in order to give more space to the others.

The challenges and the many enrichments coming from this experience have taught me how to go beyond my limits and put new words on my faith. I have always relied on God’s great love and mercy, which gives me the grace to feel fulfilled, happy to live my vocation.

Thanks to his grace and sure of his fidelity, I took my first vows on 4 September 2010, then my final Vows on 4 September 2016.

All along those years of consecrated life, I have experienced the continuous, permanent, loving presence of God and His mercy on humankind as a whole.

I find in His Word – meditated each day – and in Eucharist, a source that nourishes my life, a treasure that encourages me and strengthens my spiritual life while helping me to stand on my feet in my following of Christ. It is in prayer that I draw new strengths and the joy allowing me to find balance in my humanity.

It is so good to serve God through the poor and the little ones with simple acts of every day. Indeed, our Founder Father Etienne Pernet used to say: “may your acts speak of Jesus Christ!”

To make it short, I am happy to be a Little Sister of the Assumption!

Ernestine Nzambisa, LSA

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