Author: Micaela De Wilde

A common passion, God and poor people

Manifestation en faveur des migrants aux USA avec participation des Petites Sœurs de l'Assomption

The Plight of Immigrants in America

«“It is the for Family that you exist……”   (Fr. Pernet) Father Pernet‘s vision in the focus on the Family is one that motivates the core of our being.  It is no secret that at present the United States of America is very divided when it comes to speaking of undocumented immigrants.  The harsh reality and…
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Une communauté de Petites Sieurs de l'Assomption néo-zélandaises et Tonganes

The mission is always an answer to the call of God

A Little Sister share an aspect of this mission : Mother Saint Theresa said on several occasions that loneliness is a very common condition in the Western world.  Well that is certainly true here in New Zealand. There is an organisation called “Age Concern”. She endeavours to remedy this situation by having volunteers visit elderly…
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L'assemblée réuni les Petites Soeurs de l'Assomption d'Espagne et du Portugal pôur voir les priorités pour les deux ans à venir

Assembly of the Spain-Portugal Territory

Content On May 4th and 6th, 2019, we share the fruits of the Assembly of the Congregation with the Sisters of Spain and Portugal in Barcelona the which took place in April 2019 The sisters welcomed with great interest the information received on the different territories as well as the report of Marie Françoise Phelippeau…
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L'appel de Dieu est un chemin vocationel

My vocation: A path with … a path towards …

A call             A long time ago, and yet a time that is of the present, the dazzling light of the Gospel called me.  What was to be done?  The question for me: such a radical step would be lived out better with others, but with whom?  After looking in the direction of the Carmelite…
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Les Petites Soeurs de l'Assomption qui participent à l'assemblée de Congrégation 2019

The Assembly of the Congregation

The Assembly of the Congregation which took place from April 5-15, 2019 flows in continuity from the theme of our General Chapter 2017 — To Go Out To Encounter – the experience of The Visitation with Mary and Elizabeth.   This Visual summary gives a colorful expression to the hope-filled beauty of what the Gospel calls…
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Pour l'environement des jeunes replantent des arbres pour remplacer ceux qui ont brulé

Mission in Brazil for Justice, Peace and environment

Minas Gerais : It is the state in Brazil where there is the greatest concentration of iron ore.  A state that is rich in natural resources and explored in all its aspects, especially the political aspect, due to the concentration of the wealth.  Inserted in the reality of the workers of this state since 1963,…
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4 little sisters of the assumption recieve her missionary sending

Missionary Sending of 4 Little Sisters

Sr. Annette will be attending the Assembly of the Congregation in Paris from April 5-15, 2019. Today she had the joy of attending the Celebration of the 120th Anniversary of Fr. Pernet’s death. April 3rd is also the date of his ordination. There were 3 special moments at Mass: 1. The offertory procession had a…
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