“He came as a witness to testify to the light” Jn 1:7

“He came as a witness to testify to the light” Jn 1:7

The third Sunday of Advent is called “Sunday of Joy” and reminds us that even in the midst of many doubts and difficulties, joy exists because God exists.  This joy is a choice by opening our hearts, trusting in light of His love when we encounter Him.

John the Baptist reminds us to prepare as our time of waiting for Jesus to be reborn anew within us.

The arrival of Covid-19 has only reinforced the importance of solidarity, ecology and peace which have found particular resonance with Pope Francis.  “Fratelli tutti”, Pope Francis focused on the contribution Christians can make in this moment, which is so deeply affected by suffering.

We are called to be people of hope, demonstrated in how we live together as communities by intent listening, tenderness, kindness and forgiveness.  If we live out our faith in Christ and put the vulnerable, the poor and marginalised at the centre then we are living out the message of hope.  This message of hope in Christ looks beyond the here and now.  Our hope is in Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

This Advent we hear the call to contemplate how we can collaborate in simple everyday interaction, and advocate for the rights of people in a way where all are welcome, loved and respected – then we can really rejoice at the light spread throughout the world. 

Rejoice and give thanks, let your light shine in the darkness.

Covid-19 has helped us to realise globally that we are all connected and we recognise our interdependence on each other and God in Salvation history… we rejoice as we realise the call for the common good – Love.

For as the earth brings forth its shoots and as a garden causes what is sown in it to spring up, so will you O God, cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice!

Little Sisters of the Assumption- Otara-New Zealand

3 Responses

  1. Thanks to you our sisters in New Zealand for your inspiring reflection. We commit to Joy as well as Hope
    this Gaudete Sunday. And we rejoice with you.

  2. Marie Annick Manchon says:

    Dear Sisters,
    Thank you so much for your warm message and your lesson of hope and Joy.
    I was happy, very moved and motivated, when I saw that it was you, who give us the 3rd Advent Sunday message ! Merci et Bravo !
    Thank you for your photo ! You are so nice and I appreciate to see you again.
    God bless you and your families every day of this coming year.
    Love – Arohanui – Ofa Atu
    Marie Annick

  3. Dorothy Calvani says:

    Thank you so much Sisters for your directing us toward the hope and joy in living out our call to kinship with all ! You have enunciated the Psalmist’s guidance, “Look to Divine Love that you may be radiant with joy.” (Ps. 34) Blessings and gratitude…and a special greeting to Gabriel! Dorothy

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