Testimonies of Little Sisters who have known our Blessed Sister Paul-Hélène

Testimonies of Little Sisters who have known our Blessed Sister Paul-Hélène

Petites Soeurs ayant connu notre Bienheureuse Soeur Paul-Hélène

“I do not know where and when my path crossed that of Paul-Hélène: During my Sending to Tunisia, to Algiers during a meeting of congregation? But, I remember his look: the look that scrutinizes the one that ‘he meets ; a full sister in her missionary vocation, active, determined.I just want to emphasize that we could be sent, at that time, in Tunisia, Algeria or Morocco, we were inhabited by the same apostolic intention . For the Little Sisters of the Assumption, the notion of province in the Maghreb as fraternal as apostolic despite distances.

 The second point of my message joins the prayer vigil of December 7th and the ceremony, the beatification in Oran on the 8th followed live; it inspires me: Joy in heaven, peace on earth Christmas. It was sober and great, beautiful and obscure, already there and in hope … Church adjusted to the event in lines of union, or rather of communion.

Paths of creation, reconciliation, forgiveness, intercession, resurrection. Blessed Paul-Hélène, teach me the joy of living under the sign of Love. “

 Sr Thérèse Duménil

“I lived six years, from 1988 to 1994 in Algiers-Belcourt with Paul-Hélène who arrived from Ksar el Boghari….
I remember two points that struck me: his joy and his self-control, when something annoyed her. I will also recall all the work in Belcourt’s house that we have accomplished together, especially on the ground floor the organization of a more discreet telephone booth compared to the neighbors … Later also, we transformed into a garage for the car the housing of our old neighbor Antoinette, part of retirement home. These crafts made together have formed a solid friendship that the death of Paul-Hélène has not broken. When I have a problem or a discernment to do, I speak to him about it, and the light is made, the strength is given me to realize the answer.

This experience reinforces my conviction of the importance of the communion of saints. Here are some aspects that I remember, during these six years lived together and in the hope of meeting one day …»

Sr Jacqueline Desbiez

“I have lived twice in community with Sr Paul-Hélène, in Algeria. The last time during the hard period in1990, with the F.I.S. She left on a Sunday morning, May 8, 1994, to work at the Library of the Marist Brothers. I admired Sr. Paul-Hélène, very intelligent, very lively, she scared me a little! but what we lived together brought us closer together. His very deep faith always sought to better know the faith of those around us, and to respect it. In her work as a nurse and “librarian” she gave herself thoroughly, having the concern of everyone.

 In the last period that we lived in Algeria, which was so difficult, Paul-Hélène said that he was very concerned about violence, and after his death we found on his nightstand the notebook “Violence in the Bible”, and she was mastering herself more and more herself! In the same way her prayer became more intense, and I went behind her to the oratory to pray better! I think that she had to consider her death next to certain gestures towards her …
The Sisters of the Kasbah could see her immediately after the assassination and the people who saw her found her peaceful, a light smile, arms outstretched …
The funerals (his and those of Brother Henri Vergès) at Notre-Dame d’Afrique brought together the greater part of the Christian community, but also many Muslims who are anxious to express their sorrow and friendship .
A lot of emotion, a lot of people at the windows … I often pray for my sister Paul-Hélène and the martyrs of Algeria whom I have all known.

I am sure they help us to witness to our faith where we are “

Sr. Marie-Henriette Languillaire

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