Portraits of our Founders: the exhibition

Portraits of our Founders: the exhibition

To mark the bicentenary of the birth of the congregation’s Founders, both of whom were born in 1824, the archives department has produced an exhibition which is currently on display in the Maison de Grenelle.

The exhibition will take place in three parts over the course of the year. The first part, which is currently on display and which you are invited to view today, presents a portrait of each of them up to the founding of the Congregation in 1865. The second and third parts will continue their story and that of the Congregation.

We invite you to consult the posters in this first part in pdf format.
Extracts :

To view the panels in the exhibition (Part 1) click here
To view the panels in the exhibition (Part 2) click here
To visit the exhibition on site, please contact us

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