
A common passion, God and poor people

Solitude and communion

The AOLA (Association of Our Lady of the Assumption)* gathered around this theme in an international meeting from august 6 to 16, 2019 at the Mother House of the Little Sisters of the Assumption. We experienced this session as a pilgrimage, a desert crossing, in the company of Adam, Elijah, Zacchaeus, the disciples of Emmaus…
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A Little Sister of the Assumption at the “Arch of Jean Vanier”

My name is Yvette, I just made my perpetual vows in the DRC on August 31. As part of my preparation, I was offered a 3-month apostolic training at “L’Arche de Jean Vanier“. This is the time to share my experience with you. Indeed, the Arche is a centre that welcomes people with mental and…
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Session sur le sujet de l'économie et la vie religieuse dans la famille de l'Assomption

The Assumption in Madagascar deepens its relationship with the economy

The economic subject in our religious life : a mirror of our vow of poverty Maybe you’ve never been on a plane before? If so, you will understand without difficulty; if not, the experience lived with Didier allowed us to take a first flight! Indeed, without even having had time to fasten our seatbelts, we…
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Have a joyfull Assumption Day!

As all the wine had been consumed, the Mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.” Jn 2:3 Mary looks, observes, listens. She makes herself present, and then makes a decision. At a time when women had no power, Mary in her motherly relationship and intimacy with Jesus gives herself permission to speak.…
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Petites Soeurs de l'Assomption réunies pour une session de formation sur l'afectivité et la sexualité

International Session for young sisters at the Mother House

“As members of an international Apostolic Congregation we discover the universality of the message which gathers together people of every continent. In the midst of their differences we recognize the common characteristics of these people to whom we are sent. Our solidarity extends beyond our local communities and our countries. It is a challenge to…
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Les petites soeurs de l'Assoption ont organisé avec les femmes de l'association "creaciones vivir" un partage pour Noel

A chain of Solidarity in Colombia

We, as “CREACIONES VIVIR “(an associative business of economic solidarity), have for some years been putting into effect the Cadena de los Mercados, (the chain of market products), which consists of various persons and institutions giving a monthly contribution from their salary, so that in December we can organize and deliver very good market products. …
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symbole du Regard nouveau à porter sur une culture différente

The mission In Burkina Faso

It was in Burkina Faso that I learned to wear my first progressive glasses … it was only after a few days, during which I had the impression that the ground opened under my feet with every step that I  did, that I managed to adjust my eyesight so as not to fall. Centering the…
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Little Sisters of the Assumption Commission 2019 meeting

International Laity Commission meeting, june 2019

The International Laity Commission Sr. Annette Allain, (USA, Co-coordinator), Roger Malenfant (Canada, Co-coordintor), Diana Neviere (France), Georges Lubamba Nzadikonda (DRC). Maryalice Spencer (USA), met at the Mother House in Paris, France June 24 – 28. It was the first time meeting together in person. We been meeting monthly together for the last 9 months by…
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chorale de la Paroisse St.Jacques de Montrouge


Saint Augustine says to us: “To sing is to pray twice” That is the venture experienced over almost ten years by the parish Choir of Montrouge called “Chorale  Alléluia” which I would like to share with you. There are some fifty choir members: within this group some twenty of us are part of the vocal…
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mosaiques9-association dirigee-par-une-petite-soeur-de-assomption

Testimony of Michel, a volonteer at the Mosaiques9 association

Mosaïques9 is a local association whose aim is to help parents and their children, as well as isolated adults, to succeed in their integration. Many volunteers are involved with Little Sisters to welcome, listen and provide personalized support to families. Michel testifies Michel tells us how the meeting with Yacine was a gift to him…
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