
A common passion, God and poor people

The COVID 19 pandemic in Argentina

From Argentina we want to share our experience during the COVID 19 pandemic. What was happening in China and some European countries was an alert for our countries. At the beginning of March we had the first cases through people returning from their trips to affected countries. The government called for the opposition and together…
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The FRATER -Christian Fraternity of Sick and handicapped people

I would like to share with you a little of my experience with the FRATER (Christian Fraternity of Sick and handicapped people). My mission at the Frater began in 1978 in Cochabamba (Bolivia) with two handicapped persons and one Little Sister of the Assumption, Anna Renelde van Destraten (of Belgium nationality) who is now in…
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The feast of the Ascension

The Ascension (Matthew 28, 16 – 20) “And remember, I’m with you always, to the end of the age” The texts of St. John, which have been suggested recently,we have been encouraged to meditate, to pray to God the Father and to renew our Faith in his Love.Stéfan Thériault reminds us in the Hymn to…
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I will ask the Father, He will give you the spirit of truth

VI Sunday of Easter (John 14, 15-21) “I will ask the Father,and He will give youanother Advocateto be with you forever – even the Spirit of truth” The movement in this Gospel passage is very striking. This flow of Trinitarian Life, has been very marked in the readings since Easter. I will ask the Father…
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“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. »

 V Easter sunday (John 14, 1-12)  “Don’t let your heart be troubled!You believe in God,believe in me too… Today’s gospel is set in the context of Jesus saying goodbye to his disciples. Faced with His farewell, the disciples are worried. Jesus whom they follow, in whom they have put their trust, will disappear from their…
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In times of Coronavirus in Sahalava

When life is shared in Madagascar! It has been more than a month that Madagascar has been in “war” against this very ugly virus! Since then, one of the main challenges for the country has been to combine two parallel struggles; on the one hand to protect the population so as to prevent the virus…
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How did we live in Vietnam this time of Corona-Virus ?

Since the end of ‘La Fete du Tet’ holidays – around the end of January 2020 – the rhythm of life in our community has been changing a lot because of Covid-19. Each week we were waiting for the authorization from the national Education department to be allowed to open the school. It is one…
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“I am the DOOR, I am the GOOD SHEPHERD

IV Easter Sunday (John 10, 1-10)(World Day of Prayer for Vocations) Today we live in moments of darkness, uncertainty and insecurity. The virus circulating in the world has taken us out of our security, stopped us, slowed us down, quarantined us to preserve life and take care of it. And in these moments, we are…
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Everything seemed to be over with the death of Jesus

 III Easter Sunday (Luke 24, 13-35) “And it happened that as they were talking and discussing together about what had happened, Jesus came up and walked by their side… Jesus asked them, “What were you talking about while you were walking?” Everything seemed to be over with the death of Jesus; it is the return…
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Songs of hope

It is April 3rd and it is as well the feast of Our Lady of Charity in Cartagena. In a municipal notice, we are invited to go out at 10 pm and sing the “Salve de Cartagena,” a great devotion in this city. The community asked us how this would be done.  At 8 p.m.,…
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