Young sisters reflect on the document “Dear Amazonia”-in the DRC

Young sisters reflect on the document “Dear Amazonia”-in the DRC

On this Blessed Sacrament Sunday, we, the young professed sisters from Congo want to share with you the fruits of our weekend. The topic was on Pope Francis’ Exhortation “Querida Amazonia”. To experience this, we shared together the richness of our preparatory work.

After the opening prayer, we welcomed with joy a video of Sister Pilar Trillo, presenting the Exhortation “Querida Amazonia as the ripe fruit of Laudato Si”.

The continuation of our sharing with each other highlighted the cries and joys of the people of Amazonia, and we made several links with our reality in Congo: deforestation, injustice, corruption, lack of a sense of the common good….

Faced with this reality, the Church in the DRC is always present to the cries of the people to accompany and stimulate us in the fight against injustice and corruption. We also raised several positive points, which we live in the concrete of our lives with those around us on a daily basis: the closeness of neighbours; visits where surprise nourishes the mutual relationship; the meetings of children transmitting to their families what they discover with us to protect the planet?

In the evening we watched a video from KTO, in which two bishops from the Amazon were interviewed about their experiences during the Synod. Their exchanges have made us share in the riches of this time while also provoking us to go further in our commitments, where we are.

This time has allowed us to enter deeply and see the reality of the world regarding justice, peace, the integrity of creation.

In conclusion, we would like to share with you the article of the Rule of Life(136) which says: “We denounce these situations, together and with them, we seek to establish or recreate links between persons, families and groups, to find the conditions that allow them to exist so that they can translate into their culture, their own way of living the Gospel. Their generosity, their endurance, their joy are for us a sign of salvation and Resurrection. With them, we seek ways of justice and peace. We are “small” but our mission is immense. »

Agnès, Bernardine, Fanny, Irene, Florence-Little Sisters of the Assumption

One Response

  1. Well Done to the young Sisters of the DCR. I met some of you a few years ago when I visited Lima so it is great to see you keeping the flame alive and keeping very much in tune with our mission in the struggle for justice and human rights.
    I hope you will find the new Projects Bank useful in introducing you to various methods our Sisters and partners use throughout the world in order to be in solidarity with poor people who are struggling for social justice.
    Blessings on each one

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