Stories of the Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health Service

Stories of the Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health Service

Carey Kasten and Brenna Moore published a moving account of our mission as LSA in East Harlem.   Before the book launch on May 20th, Sr. Margaret and Julie Garay had a lovely visit in front of our house where Margaret presented the book, Mutuality in El Barrio, to her.

Enjoy this delightful moment.


May 2024 

A tender moment in the reunion of two dear friends, Sr. Margaret Leonard, LSA and Julie Garay, the 1st Grandmother in the Grandmothers Program of many years ago.  Julie’s daughter, Sonia Singh, shares her story in the book of testimonies reflecting that the power of growth is in relationship, a key value in the ministry of the Little Sisters of the Assumption.

Mutuality in El Barrio
Stories of the Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health Service
Authors Carey Kasten and Brenna Moore
Published 2024 by Fordham University Press

 Annette Allain (LSA)

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