
A common passion, God and poor people

My vocation story

SITTING HERE IN THE INTERNATIONAL NOVICIATE IN LIMA ,PERU, its over 40 years since I first visited a LSA  community in Blackpool,Cork ,so many memories come to mind. ! A short versión of my vocation story might be contained in the verbs : to be ,to listen,to go ,to respond ,to risk,to dare ..and many…
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“Companions of hope in times of fragility” We feel as though we are on the same path as Ruth and Naomi, when one worries about the future of the other, while both are on their way and their future is uncertain. “My daughter, should I not seek rest for you, that it may be well with…
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The AOLA (Association of Our Lady of the Assumption) renews its commitment

Several AOLA, consecrated laywomen- living the spirituality of the Little Sisters of the Assumption renewed their commitment to follow Jesus Christ, on October 28 in Paris Their spirituality makes them particularly attentive to the poorest, with the aim of working with others to build a more fraternal and just world in respect for the dignity…
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The Little Sisters of the Asumption: 25 years of presence in Madagascar

Hello to each of you, Here is a small echo of our celebration for those of you who have passed through Fianarantsoa at one time or another during these past 25 years of our presence in Madagascar As you know, the time before the feast is as important as the feast itself: it is not…
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Our experience from the novitiate stage in Peru to the first commitment

3 novices – originally from the Congo – who made their first commitment in March of this year share their experience ” The noviciate, it is a time : – of deepening one’s experience of Jesus Christ, – of integration of the Charisma, – of getting to know the Congregation in its history and its…
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The Assumption of Mary gives us the certainty that a new world is being prepared

Together let us open our heartsin thanksgiving! It has been a long and trying year for us and the world.However, solidarity and hope have paved the way with perseverance as “Ruth and Naomi” remind us in this period of preparation for the General Chapter. So we invite you on this day of the ASSUMPTION to…
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Love is transmitted in Vietnam

For the past two years, the Little Sisters of the Assumption in Vietnam have organised at the end of each year, or at the beginning of the New Year, a fraternal gathering followed by a meal for all the families in difficulty who they had visited and accompanied. This year, the number of participants was…
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Sr Bernadette de l’Arbre on the occasion of the thanksgiving mass for her mission at the ‘Je Sers’ boat.

Good morning to all. I am a Little Sister of the Assumption. My religious family was founded in 1865. Our founder, Father Etienne Pernet, an Assumptionist, discovers the great misery of the working class families of his time, especially when the mother is ill… He looks for ways to help these families… prays for a…
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History of my vocation as Little Sister

I was born on 16 August 1933 in Tossa de Mar (Girona), a small village on the Costa Brava. My parents, Tomás and Assumpta, had four children, I was the second. My maternal grandparents lived in the same village, on a nearby farm, and my father owned a modest cork factory. The Spanish Civil War…
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Testimony on Sister Ann Thomas (LSA in IRLANDE)

‘Liveline’ is an afternoon radio programme, Monday to Friday.  It is a ‘phone in’ by people on all topics often highlighting many current issues. A person called Ger phoned in to talk about money stolen from the residents of a Health Authority Residential Unit.  Ger’s mother was a patient there.  Joe inquired about his mother…
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