
A common passion, God and poor people

Reforestacion in Madagascar the green Island

In recent years, due to bush fires, deforestation and illegal logging, Madagascar has been losing its reputation as a green island. These environmental degradations are causing global warming, making nature suffer once again. Aware of this ecological disaster, the government, or rather the President of the Republic has inaugurated a national reforestation day inviting all…
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A vocation to the Charism to all

Founded in 1865 Paris, France by Fr. Stephen Pernet, a.a. and Antoinette Fage (Mother Mary of Jesus), the Little Sisters were founded to be present among the poor, the workers and their families.  “Take society at its roots, the Family, and transform it in the spirit of Christ.” (Fr. Pernet) Bonds with the laity were…
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From Nanterre to Alger: on the footsteps of the Martyrs of Algeria

The Bishop of Nanterre, Matthieu Rougé, wanted to plan a pilgrimage to Alger on the 6th-7th-8th of December to celebrate the Beatification anniversary of the 19 martyrs of Algeria. He was proud that one of them was a Blessed woman from his diocese. Indeed, Sr. Paul-Hélène – whose family was from Neuilly (near Nanterre) –…
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Happy new year from Father Pernet !

«I was wondering this morning what a good year was. According to me, and according to the almanac, it is a year when the seasons are in their place and each one produces its effect with a view to the general good, or to the overall good of the year. First of all, there must…
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Will we be “sowers of hope”?

Happy Christmas 2019 ! Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins. A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare…
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The mission of the Little Sisters at Mpasa- Kinshasa

“I have seen the poverty of my people” It is now two years since we have been settled in the district of Mpasa, a suburb of the town of Kinshasa.  Today, we have the joy of sharing with you our experience and the discoveries we have made in this new reality.  Many doors have since…
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A missionary experience in Vietnam

A time to center one’s heart I was sent to Vietnam, to such a different people that from the very first day I was there… I immediately felt at home! How was this possible?  This is a mystery; the only thing I know is that I was blessed to be able to adapt so well…
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The Pope in Madagascar in september 2019

 Bearer of the theme: “Sower of Peace and Hope” For many weeks, our entire country had been preparing spiritually for this long-awaited visit through prayer in religious, parish, diocesan and other communities. Our whole country had also prepared this visit materially and politically. Our President had set up 700 police officers, 200 surveillance cameras, to…
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Two years ago as Yolanda was leaving on one of her trips to Mexico, we joked that Nina and myself would go too! It was just an idea then, and now two years later, that idea is a reality! Yolanda is convinced that our spirituality and charism is valid for all those who wish to…
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Mission in a mental health care center in Bobo Dioulasso.

Notre Dame de l’Espérance is a centre which welcomes, heals and rehabilitates mentally ill persons who are homeless in Bobo Dioulasso. Sisters María de Lurdes Mendes Pereira and Anne Nguyen Thi Tuyên, LSA, share with us their experience  One year after my arrival in Burkina, I was asked to work with mentally ill persons. At…
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