Month: February 2020

First vows of Florence and Juliana in Peru

A few years ago Florence and Juliana discovered the “gift of God”, they discovered that they could be happy by joining the Project of Jesus for his people, as Little Sisters of the Assumption. After this time of novitiate, letting the Lord model and transform their hearts with tenderness, conscious of the treasure they carry…
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Reforestacion in Madagascar the green Island

In recent years, due to bush fires, deforestation and illegal logging, Madagascar has been losing its reputation as a green island. These environmental degradations are causing global warming, making nature suffer once again. Aware of this ecological disaster, the government, or rather the President of the Republic has inaugurated a national reforestation day inviting all…
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A vocation to the Charism to all

Founded in 1865 Paris, France by Fr. Stephen Pernet, a.a. and Antoinette Fage (Mother Mary of Jesus), the Little Sisters were founded to be present among the poor, the workers and their families.  “Take society at its roots, the Family, and transform it in the spirit of Christ.” (Fr. Pernet) Bonds with the laity were…
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From Nanterre to Alger: on the footsteps of the Martyrs of Algeria

The Bishop of Nanterre, Matthieu Rougé, wanted to plan a pilgrimage to Alger on the 6th-7th-8th of December to celebrate the Beatification anniversary of the 19 martyrs of Algeria. He was proud that one of them was a Blessed woman from his diocese. Indeed, Sr. Paul-Hélène – whose family was from Neuilly (near Nanterre) –…
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