Mission and spirituality

A common passion, God and poor people


We take care to preserve, to maintain, to deepen what is at the heart of our Charism: the life of disciple of Jesus, following the Servant Christ. It’s a life of action, a life of gestures and words
“The Little Sister is missionary. It is all the more so because it must live among the poor(E.Pernet) By following Jesus, we learn that we need to have a life project similar to his. This shapes our way of situating ourselves.


Etienne Pernet invites us to live with Jesus as with someone who loves us and lives in us. It was his own experience throughout his spiritual journey. He experienced that the life of Jesus’ disciple is a life nourished by his love, that Christ strengthens our human frailties.


For Etienne Pernet and Antoinette Fage, Jesus realizes the mission entrusted by his Father: to reveal his love, in the heart of the realities of everyday life, with gestures and words thus renewing the hope of the poor, the sick, the excluded.
“I have come so that all have the LIFE and that they have it in abundance” (Jn 10, 10).
He said to the first Little Sisters: “The part of the Little Sister, it is the poor, the worker and his family: this share, it will love it of a love of preference”. Antoinette Fage affirmed: “When the veil of charity touches the faces of the poor, the face of Jesus is engraved for eternity


The Little Sisters of the Assumption we seek to adapt the charism to each cultural context.
The apostolic activities, varied according to the countries, concern impoverished populations and their families:
Inserted into neighborhoods, connected to networks and associations or present in families, we share closely the critical situation of refugees, displaced persons, immigrants; With them we work to make solidarity effective.
We feel called to create with others spaces of reception, listening, meeting, reciprocity.

Discover in images our commitment to the service of the little one!

mission petites soeurs assomption conflans sainte honorine peniche je sers vue cantine
mission petites soeurs assomption conflans sainte honorine peniche je sers vue intérieure repas
mission petites soeurs assomption conflans sainte honorine vue exterieure peniche je sers

Emergency reception and accommodation in the Yvelines

Since 2009, the Little Sisters of Conflans – Sainte Honorine (78) have been participating in missions to welcome and accommodate people in distress (young people, undocumented migrants, single women, vulnerable people, etc.) on board the mission boat “Je Sers”.

It can accommodate about fifty people and many others, for administrative procedures and/or a meal, all under the leadership of the Assumptionist community, living there full time.

Embark on board the mission boat “Je Sers” in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine!

Discover in pictures how the actions of the Little Sisters of the Assumption and the other participants on board this solidarity boat are carried out.
(The video is in french for the moment)

mission Petites Soeurs de l'Assomption Espagne, Séville casa de todos photo bénévoles
Mission Petites Soeurs de l'Assomption Espagne, Séville casa de todos
Atelier informatique dans l'association "Carmen Vendrell' à Séville
Projet ecologique de réinsertion à Séville

Action with families in
difficulty in Seville

The harshness of the situations we face, or witness, in our surroundings and on an international scale, urges us to act according to our option for the poor:
– in the association “Casa de todos” with the family,
– in the “Carmen Vendrell” association with women in various workshops,
– through participation in the collective, for the rights of migrants

Workshops in Burkina Faso

Present in the life of the people, in joy and sorrow, we have an attentive ear to hear their demands and needs: “We want to learn to read and write”; “we want to play”; “I will go to school”; “I have a wound”; “my father is sick”; “I want to understand the Word of God”…

Thus, various workshops have been held in Burkina Faso: literacy centre, extracurricular activities for children, women’s association, learning how to make soap by hand…

mission aide lecture petites soeurs assomption burkina faso
mission solidarite petites soeurs assomption burkina faso
mission aide enfants petites soeurs assomption burkina faso
mission apprentissage ecriture petites soeurs assomption burkina faso
mission communaute petites soeurs assomption burkina faso
mission petites soeurs assomption burkina faso cooperative femmes FONISIYA

Kindergarten and training for women in Kinshasa, Congo (DRP)

In a working-class district of Kinshasa, a little on the outskirts, the Little Sisters of the Assumption run a school for kindergarten children in the morning and the Mother Mary of Jesus centre in Kinshasa in the afternoon. It is a place of integral formation for about fifty Congolese women. What do they say? “We like to learn sewing, French, arithmetic, Lingala, and even this year we learned computer science
“At first when I arrived I couldn’t read Lingala, but now I can and I speak a little French”
“I am happy because I learned a lot of things and especially sewing’…

Mission commune :  our project bank

This platform is a tool that helps us to deploy solidarity between Little Sisters of the Assumption communities, lay partner organizations and collaborating organizations, allowing us to share and evaluate our projects and skills at the local level. Continent by continent, we present our projects, our development guides, our documentary resources, etc.
Welcome on the dedicated website: mission-commune.org

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