Summon, Assemble, Walk Together…. Colombia

Summon, Assemble, Walk Together…. Colombia

The charism goes where it wants, as it wants. It is up to us to take the time to listen and to open ourselves to new ways of being together.” (GC 2022) 

Driven by this desire and by our passion for the Kingdom, we arrived here over a year ago, after the crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic had passed. In this small village of Pueblo Nuevo, one of the 17 areas of the town of Vijes, we are progressing in our mission. The aera is located at a one-hour bus-ride from our house, via a narrow unpaved road that goes up and down the mountain. Pueblo Nuevo is a remote community, abandoned by the Church and ysed by successive politicians . We admire the way in which the people have kept their faith in God, even though they have not received any training or guidance for this. 

JYoung people and children have begun their journey of preparation for the sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion. They have been accompanied for over a year by two Little Sisters

Likewise, the mothers have initiated a path of biblical formation that we organise in their homes. The Word enlightens their lives which is expressed in different ways. This has enabled us to see closely the realities of rural families and their relationships with others. We have entered gradually into the heart of these families, creating bonds, and relationships of closeness and trust. It is very enriching to accompany them in their trials, joys, successes, and concerns; we share their family meals of a simple dish prepared on a wood stove.

Men and women work in the fields. The large pineapple plantations in the mountains offer us a magnificent landscape. They also cultivate coffee, corn, and other crops. These are hardworking people who struggle to provide for their children. Among them we found gestures of welcome, affection, solidarity, and a great desire to know the Word of God. It is also a great joy for us to welcome them at home when they come down to the village and to share our table with them. We travel long distances to reach the most distant homes.  

Con el “lema” del Padre Pernet “Rehacer un pueblo para Dios”, reunimos a los grupos y personas que acompañamos en Vijes para conocernos, integrarnos y celebrar Navidad: telar manual, manillas en macramé y abalorios, “Mujeres de luz y esperanza” y “Enraizadas en la Palabra”, éstas últimas son mujeres y familias de la vereda Pueblo Nuevo.

Inspired by the “motto” of Father Pernet: “To remake a people for God”, we organised a gathering of the groups and people we accompany in Vijes. The intention was for them to get to know each other, to mix and to celebrate Christmas. Groups included the weaving group, the macramé and jewellery group, the “Women of Light and Hope” and the “Rooted in the Word” groups; the latter are women and families from Pueblo Nuevo. 

It was a day full of joy, sharing, solidarity and participation in prayer and reflection on the birth of Jesus, with everyone’s participation – adolescents and children – in a scenography of the Gospel.  A lottery/bingo game was also organised as well as an exchange of simple gifts which created a diversion to dispel the worries and trials of the families. 

The fact that we were in a new place, experiencing a freer day, getting to know other people, gave us hope that our mission is gradually being consolidated; ours is a simple mission that we experience according to our personal and community reality. And like Ruth and Naomi, we want to move forward by becoming companions of hope, aware of the reality of the world, that of the Church and of our own.  


Antonieta Community (LSA)

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