
A common passion, God and poor people

“It was the first day of the week

II Easter sunday (John 20,19-31) “It was the first day of the week”… what week? Because the confinement we are living in makes us lose track of time. Most of the world is in confinement, with doors closed for fear of contagion, illness and death. Now the only enemy is called: Coronavirus. Yes, the virus…
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Testimonials in times of coronavirus

The Community of Conflans tells us: We’ve been housebound for four weeks now. At the beginning we accepted it by saying to ourselves, we have time to rest, to tidy up, to read, to pray, to find ourselves together…..but the days pass by, the pandemic takes its toll: much suffering, many questions for many. Five…
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How confinement is lived out in the Little Sisters of the Assumption

Testimonies Confined! A difficult and unexpected experience. Our whole community and inter-congregational life is marked by it. We learned vigilance: a learning to establish a circuit, to limit the number of people in the kitchen, to implement barrier measures. We are confined within the residence, but not in our rooms, and we appreciate the small…
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Easter Message

Christ is truly risen ! “The first Christians made the resurrection of Christ the first affirmation: “God raised him from the dead.” If the Easter proclamation has placed itself at the heart of faith, it is because the risen Christ is also a “resurrecting” Christ … Jesus heals the sick and raises them up. The…
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The harvest season-Canada

Autumn is the harvest season. So it was for us during the year 2019. When the government started to support financially home care in Quebec and launched the project of “Local Centres of Community Services”, our communities were asked to contribute and several among us helped to carry out this service to the people. In…
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Life Experiences of Postulants in the DRC

It is a pleasure for us to share with you a little about our experiences here in the postulate in the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo). We are four sisters and eight postulants, four of whom are first year and four of whom are second year, of different nationalities and dioceses. Our experience here is…
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It was March 2020…

It was March 2020… The streets were empty, the shops closed, people couldn’t get out. But the spring didn’t know, and the flowers started to bloom, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, the swallows would soon arrive, the sky was blue, the morning came earlier. It was March 2020… Young people had to…
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“Hope in times of coronavirus.”

In this particular Lent, a new road map: crossing the desert, praying and rediscovering Eucharistic hunger. To live what thousands of Christians around the world are living. To rediscover wonder. Getting out of our routines… And in this total fog, navigate on sight, relearn confidence, real confidence. Surrender to Providence. And learn to stop too.…
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From Multi-culturality to Interculturality

The multicultural aspect of the world is a feature that is evident in the intermingling of many peoples and the manifestation of different cultures. But a multicultural world is not necessarily intercultural. Let us start from the conviction that each culture has a value that does not surpass that of the other; the two intersect…
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First vows of Florence and Juliana in Peru

A few years ago Florence and Juliana discovered the “gift of God”, they discovered that they could be happy by joining the Project of Jesus for his people, as Little Sisters of the Assumption. After this time of novitiate, letting the Lord model and transform their hearts with tenderness, conscious of the treasure they carry…
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