“For a new relationship, real or virtual, in 2022
At the beginning of February, in Paris, the trees seemingly empty of life are already letting rise in their vital source this warm and green sap, letting us foresee the coming of spring… A window of new Hope appears. Thus was our SIJPIC, for two years in video conference because of the pandemic, we were reduced to the canvas, without thickness, without color nor smell, flesh and bones having disappeared, we had become virtual, a metallic and mechanical sound, computerized linking us, resembling very little the human word and even less the Word made flesh… We finally saw ourselves in these last days of January, heard and found ourselves with joy!
What could we do? In the midst of so many dangers, the encounter has become for many of our contemporaries the risk of contamination, the other can give us death, our neighbor can kill us. Without the human relationship, we are no longer human, we become robotic, in other words, we are killed. The encounter, the human relationship through our bodies, is an integral part of our heritage and our faith. Thus, progressively, this discernment between life and death is emerging, an unprecedented path that humanity will take, choosing a new destiny: because we want to remain alive and this is our common vocation.
Today, we gathered at the AA in Denfert Rochereau for our annual SIJPIC meeting. We were really happy to meet again (photo of the SIJPIC 2022 group)
Justice and Peace is not only to be the voice of the voiceless but to be their voice. Our world is shaken and hears within it the clamor of the earth and the clamor of the poor. Following our JPIC 2021 session, “a world on the move”, we continue to walk with all those rejected at the peripheries of our cities and our hearts, we want to walk to the borders, to be sure to cross them and especially to love them. Following “Laudato Si”, we are always called to live in our common house which is also a house of welcome for all peoples, everyone can come and go, such is the itinerary of our SIJPIC which has just established a new action plan 2022-2025: it will not be a container dropped somewhere but a sailboat that will push its sails to the open sea to always look if a small boat is not in distress. Many have shed their blood for justice and peace; in their footsteps, we tirelessly continue our exodus to enter the Easter of the Lord with all the living. SIJPIC wishes you a beautiful year filled with buds of Hope that only eyes of love can recognize in the midst of our world that is discovered by those who remain attentive to God and to the people of our land:
“Thy Kingdom come!
Myriam Collon LSA